Isn't twenties a great phase in life? I also engaged in that illusory belief until reality shook me out of my complacency. Being in my late twenties now I know better.
My entry into twenties was surreal and was filled with countless dreams and aspirations. My days were ridden with bucket-lists of this and that and motley of things to be done before I celebrate my twenty-fifth birthday. Writing, reading, travelling, cooking, and many more… Here am I turning twenty-eight, and still wondering what worthwhile had happened in my life at this juncture. I am not cribbing and whining that things didn't go the way I presumed; but I can't deny the twists and turns that sprang up. Disgruntled though I may sound, I am quite happy the way things panned out. I have eventually realised that happiness is a state of mind, and as much as I seek it outside of me it further evades my grasp.
Coming 2017, I look back at the road travelled. Bumpy and bone-breaking as it might have been, the rides were/are (past though they be, they lead to my present) memorable and I wouldn't trade them for better days.
I always feel amused when I read Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken,” for ironically, the road not taken remains the offbeat, untraversed path in my life. The road taken by me conforms with the traditional view that people have of professions — teaching (at college). Isn't teaching the most preferred profession for a woman? It is surely not the road “less travelled”; and undoubtedly not the road that I wished for. Yet, it is a road that had revealed to me the happiness that lies in teaching. Enthralled by the sheer joy of teaching, I think it almost impossible for me to take the other of the “two roads.” I simultaneously possess the wisdom that life may continue to throw surprises, and I am prepared to take them as they come. In all likelihood, it could even help me find the way back to the long-forgotten road that I wished to take.
Wishing myself an eventful 2017!